"People often ask us, 'do you really make some of everything?' Yes! We make EVERYTHING"
During their trip to Italy, Patrica and Samuel got the chance to shake hands with Cristian Saglio, owner of Fucina del Drago. We happily present to you the talented creator of accessories made from Italian leather as one of our precious collaborators.
Fucina del Drago is the official Mytholon representative in Italy. In fact, in 2016, it's storefront became the "Mytholon Shop Roma" and the largest LARP store in Italy where you can find all the Mytholon catalog's products with a highly qualified and specialized staff as well as a competent technical assistant. DIY (do it yourself) is a well-established trend and members of the LARPing community (LARP: Live Action Role Play) have been adepts of it for far longer than it has been popular on social media. As is true for most artisans of the LARP world, the first initiatives were born of a simple desire to create accessories for the game they love.
"Back then, there was nothing available on the market for our activities. So we experimented with leather and metal."
Fucina del Drago was created in 1996 by a group of friends who began themselves making weapons and armor for the first LARPs emerging in Italy. Their passion grew progressively, becoming first an association, then a real job, and later, finally, an official business being created along with a store in Rome in 2006. All the inspiration behind Fucina emerges from a passion for the game, the sport, and care towards producing high-quality equipment.
"Over time, we became passionate for historical reconstruction, a world very closely linked to LARPing, which compelled us to take historical fencing and archery lessons, which we continue to do today with great passion."
The dragon's forge's market stretches from LARPs to historical reconstruction, from cosplay to collectors, and they have also worked alongside theatre and movie productions.
" The Fucina del Drago (dragon's forge) name originates in my love of dragons of myths and legends, but obviously strongly influenced by D&D which had a dragon on the cover of their first edition!"
The Italian business has several goals for the future. The main one remains, of course, the production of leather products. That being said, other brands of weapons and metal armor will soon be revealed.
About Cristian Saglio

Cristian was 16 or 17 when he participated in his first LARP battles. To finally be able to live the adventures he had imagined during is Dungeons & Dragons games was, for him, an experience of epic proportion. However, there was nothing well known in terms of LARP materials and accessories. People made shields out of cardboard and swords from yoga mats and duct tape. As for armor, those were made of even more absurd materials, Cristian explains. Later, artisan techniques grew progressively more refined, to first interest a few people, then a dozen, a hundred, etc.
"I believe, personally, that I was one of the first to buy Calimacil weapons in Europe. I viewed then as the "future" of LARP weapons. We buy them, resell them in Europe and have always liked them! I personally use Calimacil weapons, especially since here in Italy, we especially love realistic combat."