Here at Calimacil, we strive to provide products of stunning realism so that you can Feel the Legend. Many of our weapons are inspired by historical swords, for the most authentic experience.
Now, while we were developing our Witcher collection, we were conducting extensive…. ahem… in-game research (for work, obviously), and were skeptical about Geralt’s rolling mechanics. Is it possible to do a roll with a two-handed sword strapped to your back, let alone two swords? To help us with this important question,we decided to turn to you, the fans!
We are challenging you to this : send us a video of you doing a Geralt roll with a sword strapped to your back. Win a prize. Simple enough.

Here are the criteria :

  • The video must feature a complete roll, where you finish by standing up (drawing your sword optional),
  • Don’t hurt yourselves, we are not evaluating your gymnastics technique,
  • You can affix the sword to your back however you want,
  • You can use more than one sword if you are feeling bold,
  • You can get creative, like doing it in your LARP costume (#staythelarphome)
  • Send us your video at the following address :
  • If you submit a video, you are consenting to it being shared on the Calimacil social medias

The grand prize is a Quick Release Dorsal Scabbard! So hurry up! Submission closes May 4th and the winner will be announced on May 7th.
