Legend In the heart of a vast, dark forest, a man named Herveus walked the paths between the giant trees, carrying on his shoulders his hunt of the day, a small...
Legend In the heart of a vast, dark forest, a man named Herveus walked the paths between the giant trees, carrying on his shoulders his hunt of the day, a small...
In the heart of a vast, dark forest, a man named Herveus walked the paths between the giant trees, carrying on his shoulders his hunt of the day, a small red deer. He was not a legendary warrior or a renowned lord; he was simply a man of few words, but many deeds. He loved protecting his village, looking after his family, and enjoying his simple but rewarding daily life. Sometimes, Herveus would explore forgotten ruins and bring back lost treasures alongside local adventurers, or assemble the local militia to protect the hamlet from an orc or goblin attack.
And despite his many exploits, which might seem modest but had saved the lives of many villagers, Herveus remained humble and generous. His leather armor, worn during battles and journeys, reflected his stable and competent life. Practical and durable, it enabled him to move with agility and withstood many blows without failing. For him, the armor was not just an object of protection, but a faithful companion, a silent witness to his many adventures.
The Classic Armor is a practical and universal model of medieval leather armor. Its simple design suits any type of LARP character while being easily adjustable and compatible with a wide range of accessories. Made from sturdy leather and designed to last a lifetime, this armor can even be customized in vegetal leather to your taste. The armor torso is crafted with solid pieces covering the chest and back, and slats protecting the abdomen. This fitted model is particularly comfortable and adjusts perfectly to your size. A series of eyelets on the shoulders allow you to fix any type of leather & metal pauldrons. While this LARP armor is perfect for a young warrior, militiaman, guard or soldier, it's equally well suited to a scout, bandit or ranger.
Chest Size
Handmade in Quebec, Canada by Les Artisans d’Azure