Malik II
the Desert's Scourge
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After years of roaming the overworld, banished by her mother, Triss'Tree had finally made up her mind. She would return to the family castle and confront her mother, the Queen, in a duel in order to regain her honor, but above all, in order to prove that she had what it takes to rule the kingdom as the Warrior-Queen of Yllvalian.
A hundred and fifty years of roaming the surface realms had hardened her. She had faced formidable adversaries on her own and, over the years, accumulated countless treasures and equipment which she cherished as much as her life such as a curved-blade sword which she had recovered in the cold hand of the corpse of a Sand Warrior who had dared to attack her in her tent one night ...
This sword had quickly become her favorite and it is easy to understand why: Wieldable with one or both hands, a guard which can easily disarm the adversary and with the edges on its blade that could inflict significant bleeding to the adversary, this weapon had everything to satisfy the savage nature of Triss… and her mother, the Queen, would soon bow to her might in battle.
Tailored for Middle-Eastern characters, this sword could be efficiently used by any agile warrior, spinning its way through the battlefield. This is also why it's highly praised by Elves, who know this blade can be devastating in the right hands. On the other side, enemies of the Realm, like Imps and Demons, like to use this sword for its simplicity and, of course, its sharp edge.
Weight (g): 425Total Length (cm): 102
Blade Length (cm): 82
Blade Thickness (cm): 2
Blade color: Steel
Handle length (cm): 21
Grip length (cm): 13
Material: fiberglass, Calimacil Foam

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